JRSST-CT Grants Awarded

JRSST-CT’s grants support a range of charitable purposes, including advancing understanding of citizenship, human rights, equality and participation in democracy.


Current grants

Some of our current and recent grants are highlighted below.

Details of all grants awarded by JRSST-CT are available in our Annual Reports, which can be found on the Charities Commission website here.


Fawcett Society – Feminist allies to drive inclusion in Parliament

£36,495 over one year to build a coalition of (predominantly new) MPs (both men and women) in the House of Commons, committed to reforms which make Parliament more modern and inclusive.

Theme: Democratic and constitutional reform

Website: www.fawcettsociety.org.uk

Awarded: April 2024


Jo Cox Foundation – Jo Cox Civility Commission

£28,358 over eight months to complete the second phase of the Jo Cox Civility Commission, advocating for their recommendations to address the issue of abuse and intimidation of elected politicians to be adopted

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: www.jocoxfoundation.org

Awarded:  April 2024


mySociety – Democratising MPs Accountability

£31,114 over six months for a project to bring information about MPs’ financial interests to the public in an accessible way, resourcing campaigns for transparency and public accountability across the sector.

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: www.mysociety.org

Awarded: April 2024


Glitch – Misogynoir in Elections

£35,000 over six months to deliver their ‘Misogynoir in Elections’ campaign, which seeks to make tech accountability a doorstop issue for politicians.

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: glitchcharity.co.uk

Awarded:  October 2023


Disability Policy Centre – Accessible Voting

£31,000 over one year to fund a shared research project between The Disability Policy Centre and WelcoMe seeking electoral reform to improve the accessibility of voting for disabled people and people with long-term health conditions.

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: thedisabilitypolicycentre.org

Awarded: October 2023


Money4You – #OperationTransparency

£10,000 to create a strong evidence base for democratic debates on diversity in the charity sector, as a foundation from which to advocate for appropriate regulatory data.

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: www.money4you.org

Awarded: October 2023


Public Interest News Foundation – Local News Commission

£28,960 over one year to create a rapid action Local News Commission to support democratic engagement across the UK by creating a sustainable future for independent local news.

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: www.publicinterestnews.org.uk

Awarded: October 2023


Involve – Putting citizens at the heart of English Devolution

£19,688 over five months to develop reform proposals for how participatory and deliberative processes could improve democratic engagement and accountability in English Devolution, and then, to build understanding of and support for these proposals amongst key influencers and political leaders.

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: involve.org.uk

Awarded: October 2023


Civic Power Fund – Warm Welcome Listening Campaign

£7,500 to recruit a learning partner that can help them to understand how communities facing poverty can build power and engage with the democratic structures that affect their lives.

Theme: Democracy research

Website: www.civicpower.org.uk

Awarded: April 2023


Jo Cox Foundation – Jo Cox Civility Commission

£24,202 to strengthen their work to address the problem of abuse and intimidation of elected political representatives, and to produce and launch a report with cross-sectoral recommendations to address this worsening issue, gathered from an extensive research phase.

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: www.jocoxfoundation.org

Awarded: March 2023


JUSTICE – The State of the UK: Addressing Challenges to the Rule of Law

£30,094 over two years to support a programme of advocacy over the duration of this Parliamentary session and the early years of the next Government which will aim to ameliorate the current challenges to the rule of law, human rights, and access to justice in the UK.

Theme: Democracy research

Website: justice.org.uk

Awarded: March 2023


Local Government information Unit – Administrative Capacity to Implement Voter ID in Local Elections

£17,100 over four months to run a research project investigating the implementation of Voter ID in the English local elections of May 2023. The project will assess the perspective of electoral administrators tasked with implementing the policy, as well as the policy’s impact on turnout, accessibility, inclusivity and public awareness.

Theme: Democracy research

Website: lgiu.org

Awarded: March 2023


Spotlight on Corruption – Driving significant reform of standards in public life

£35,000 over one year to build and maintain pressure on the government and the main political parties to introduce significant reform to the regulation of standards in public life by those in senior political positions.

Theme: Democratic and constitutional reform

Website: www.spotlightcorruption.org

Awarded: March 2023


Campaign for Freedom of Information Scotland – Power, accountability & informed citizens: Championing FoISA

£7,500 to critique, inform and increase participation in two consultations proposing different ways to improve delivery of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FoISA).

Theme: Informed citizens – democracy education and information

Website: www.cfois.scot

Awarded: February 2023




JRSST-CT is committed to transparency and we work with 360Giving to publish information about our grants. 360Giving supports organisations to publish their grants data in an open, standardised way.

Click here to download an Excel spreadsheet of the grants made by JRSST-CT since January 2015, published to the 360Giving standard.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License which means the data is freely accessible to anyone to be used and shared as they wish. View a copy of this license. Please note the data must be attributed to JRSST-CT.